
If you had a wish - survey

The question "what is your current weight and what is your goal weight" comes up so often that it gets quite boring. I have an idea to expand this survey question so that it might provide us a little bit more look into each others personalities and desires.

So, if you had a wish which granted you to magically become any weight you want, what would it be? What if the change was only for a day and after one day your reverted to your original weight? And what if the change was permanent (of course, you could still gain or lose weight naturally afterwards)


1. What is your current weight?

2. What is your normal goal weight? (what you probably answered already elsewhere, this question is just for having all the information in one place without having to search fr it)

3. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, but the changes reverted after a few hours max. one day?

4. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, without it automatically reverting? (of course, you could still gain or lose weight naturally afterwards)

(it would be a good idea to specify kg or lbs, as not everyone is from the same continent)

I guess this provides us the opportunity to know each others desires better. For example, for #3 one could wish to try out a ludicrously insane amount of weight to know how it feels like, without having to worry about long term health risks. Or one could try out how it feels to be skinny, if you never ever was skinny. Or you could try out your goal weight for a day to see if you would enjoy it.
For #4, you could reach or get closer to your goal weight if you like being fat but don't like to eat that much or you want to gain but cannot. Or you could wish to be thin again so you could enjoy your gaining journey again if you like eating more than gaining weight, or you are already worried about being too large and having health issues, but you want to let yourself go with food again for some time. You see, the same answers for #1 and #2 could get vastly different answers for #3 and #4 for different people.
8 years

If you had a wish - survey

1. What is your current weight?


2. What is your normal goal weight?

400 for now, then onto 500 or more

3. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, but the changes reverted after a few hours max. one day?

I'd totally go for 750 to try it out and see if i wanted to go that far.

4. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, without it automatically reverting?

I'd probably go for 450, maybe 500. Since this is magic if the world adjusted so it wasn't weird I might try higher but even a sudden 50 pounds would be hard to play off and I'd need a new wardrobe otherwise.
8 years

If you had a wish - survey


2. I'd say around 350-400, but it depends on how I feel when I get there.

3. 600, maybe more. I want to know what it feels like to be absolutely HUGE.

4. 320. That way I can still enjoy a good gain gain if it feels right
8 years

If you had a wish - survey

1. I'm at or around 220 lbs.

2. I am trying to lose a little weight right now, but truthfully 250 to 275 lbs.

3. 300 at least, just to see how fat I would be.

4. Hard to say, maybe 205-207 lbs.
8 years

If you had a wish - survey

Current weight this morning is 278 lbs.

My normal weight for a long time has been 300 to 305 lbs.

I would love to experience what it would be like to be 400 lbs. and how I would look if I were that fat. Just the thought turns me on like crazy.

Unfortunately, due to mobility issues (legs and knees) I would need to stay at 300 lbs. or so if it would not automatically revert back to my current weight. Although if I did not have these issues, I would love to be much heavier.
8 years

If you had a wish - survey

Indeed, it would be a good idea to specify kg or pounds, as not everyone is from the same continent.
8 years

If you had a wish - survey

1. What is your current weight?


2. What is your normal goal weight? (what you probably answered already elsewhere, this question is just for having all the information in one place without having to search fr it)


3. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, but the changes reverted after a few hours max. one day?

300 pounds. I would want to know what it feels like to be quite fat, but a realistic living weight.

4. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, without it automatically reverting? (of course, you could still gain or lose weight naturally afterwards)

160 (same weight as now, I'm happy where I am)
8 years

If you had a wish - survey

1. What is your current weight?

About 400 lbs.

2. What is your normal goal weight?

Current goal is 450 lbs. Then we'll see...

3. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, but the changes reverted after a few hours max. one day?

800 lbs - see what double my current weight would be like.

4. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, without it automatically reverting?

Maybe 500 lbs... this would is tough. I don't know if jumping up that increment would be a pleasant experience, or really limit my mobility? But I would love to try..
8 years

If you had a wish - survey

1. What is your current weight?


2. What is your normal goal weight? (what you probably answered already elsewhere, this question is just for having all the information in one place without having to search fr it)


3. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, but the changes reverted after a few hours max. one day?

I would say 400lbs, but much of the thrill would be lost if I knew the weight was temporary.

4. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, without it automatically reverting? (of course, you could still gain or lose weight naturally afterwards)

If I had this option, I imagine in the heat of the moment I would choose a huge number. In fact, I've always thought the most fun fantasy would be to have a magic pill that, when swallowed, would commit me to constant and gradual fattening.
8 years

If you had a wish - survey

The question "what is your current weight and what is your goal weight" comes up so often that it gets quite boring. I have an idea to expand this survey question so that it might provide us a little bit more look into each others personalities and desires.

So, if you had a wish which granted you to magically become any weight you want, what would it be? What if the change was only for a day and after one day your reverted to your original weight? And what if the change was permanent (of course, you could still gain or lose weight naturally afterwards)


1. What is your current weight?

2. What is your normal goal weight? (what you probably answered already elsewhere, this question is just for having all the information in one place without having to search fr it)

3. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, but the changes reverted after a few hours max. one day?

4. What would you choose if you could instantly and magically change to any weight, without it automatically reverting? (of course, you could still gain or lose weight naturally afterwards)

(it would be a good idea to specify kg or lbs, as not everyone is from the same continent)

I guess this provides us the opportunity to know each others desires better. For example, for #3 one could wish to try out a ludicrously insane amount of weight to know how it feels like, without having to worry about long term health risks. Or one could try out how it feels to be skinny, if you never ever was skinny. Or you could try out your goal weight for a day to see if you would enjoy it.
For #4, you could reach or get closer to your goal weight if you like being fat but don't like to eat that much or you want to gain but cannot. Or you could wish to be thin again so you could enjoy your gaining journey again if you like eating more than gaining weight, or you are already worried about being too large and having health issues, but you want to let yourself go with food again for some time. You see, the same answers for #1 and #2 could get vastly different answers for #3 and #4 for different people.

1) I'm about 330lbs
2) weight goal 450-500 with the right person at my side
3) 650lbs maybe a bit more. I'd like to be on that precipice of immobility for a day. Where I can struggle to take a couple of steps.
4) 140lbs I've always been fat since a kid and never been thin or particularly gained lots of weight, so I'd like to start from the beginning
8 years
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